Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's probably a GIRL!

Today I had my 20 week ultrasound and I was a little disappointed. The U/S tech I think was in a huge hurry to be done because she rushed through so fast I could barely see what was going on. So I wish I had some good pics of the baby but she printed out some crazy ones that weren't very good. She told us the baby was curled up and very quickly looked for parts and said she was 85% sure it was a girl. It does kind of look like those white lines baby girls have and I've thought it was a girl so we will go with that for now. I just think its to bad that our family was so excited and she couldn't take the time to do a good job for us. So since I am an impatient person I will be going to gender u/s to get some better pics and find out for sure, so I'll give a new update soon.


oodlesofoversons said...

Congrats! Hopefully the next one you get will be better...that's a bummer!

Heather Brinkerhoff said...

I had the same experience with our u/s, except ours was simply SO awnry(sorry don't know how to spell:) that she didn't even care. But congrats on a girl,....I'll go through those clothes and get them back to ya!