Sunday, June 7, 2009


Jake turned 2 today, we have actually survived two years with him. He started his day with his favorite breakfast of pancakes. Then church and after that his party. The weather turned out good so we got to have it outside after all. He has been obsessed with tractors so of course that was his party theme. He was so tired he had to eat his hot dog laying down, and as you can see he had lots of help opening presents. We bought him a new sandbox and he has graduated to a big boy bed, of course, with A tractor bed spread. Amazingly he has been in his bed 4 days and only gotten out the first day, so thank goodness for small favors. He loves his new bed. He got some tools, a Thomas the Train scooter so now he doesn't have to ride the pink daisy scooter, trucks, sand toys and some clothes. Jake's a lot of fun and definately adds a whole new set of adventures for our family, you just never know what he's going to do next or whats going to happen to him next. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!