Monday, November 24, 2008

All Jake Wants For Christmas!

All Jake needs for Christmas are two front teeth! He has done it again, he knocked out his final front tooth today, the poor boy! His first one was knocked out about 6 months ago falling on the kiddie table and that one we had to go get removed the rest of the way by a dentist. This time I was sitting right in front of him and he was kneeling on the first step and the other foot was on the floor and he reached to grab the banister and missed and then falling somehow to the floor and catching his tooth on the bottom of the banister, it poppled the whole thing root and all out, I saw it in his mouth but didn't catch it in time and he swallowed it. With Jake's luck the tooth he swallowed will probably get stuck somewhere between his throat and the diaper and will have to be surgically removed, but we can hope not. The other bright side is we didn't have to visit the dentist again, he will probably start wondering if I beat my kids. We used to wish Malorie was more daring and not so uptight about doing things and I think we got our wish but in the wrong child. Poor Jake I am just worried what the next thing will be with him.


The Allen Family said...

That is an awesome picture of him and yeah he will probably break every limb and bone, he's a boy! At least my brother did:)