Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last night was the final dance recital for the year. It was Malorie's first year of dance and she looked so cute in her costume the dancing was pretty hilarious and involved a lot of waving. Chelsey did awesome this year she made the senior team and they won a couple of high point awards at competitions with their jazz dance and took first at every competition with their jazz and lyrical dances. At the recital Chelsey got a trophy for being at her dance company for three years and their cousins got perfect attendance trophies, so thank goodness for big sisters because Chelsey took her trophy over to Malorie and told her it was hers. Malorie thought she had won some grand event with that trophy and took it to every store we went to today. I think Malorie is taking a break for the summer and Chelsey is going to dance in Stadium of Fire which Miley Cyrus is performing at, and even though she would never admit around her friends that she liked Miley Cyrus, I think she's pretty excited to be dancing in it this year.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Well, it finally happened. We bought Chelsey her first cell phone, and yes, it is Pink and according to her the cutest phone ever!! She has wanted one for the last three years but I just could not see the point of giving her one until now. We didnt' tell her she was getting one and I'm pretty sure she had given up on the subject so when she opened it I have never seen such excitement over a phone! She was jumping up and down, called her friends and the friends were just as excited as she was. I will say that she was honestly the last friend to get a phone and I am hoping that since she had to wait so long she will appreciate it a lot more. I'm still a little worried about what she's going to be texting and who she'll be texting, so I guess at this point you just hope she's making good decisions for herself!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today was a great Mother's Day, I got to spend time with lots of family. We went to Canyon Glen with my two sisters and my dad, the only thing missing was my mom who is in Hurricane taking care of my grandma who just turned 94. The weather was perfect, the kids got to play in the sand, Jake kept looking at us like he was surprised we weren't removing him from it, he ended up with quite a bit in one ear and he only ate it once which was pretty good. The bottom picture was everyone trying to teach Malorie that down by the banks of the hanky panky frog song, I had forgotten about that one until today, I think we will have to do a lot of practicing on that one. Plus what more could you ask for than those beautiful cards made by the kids. Chelsey helped Malorie make me one with lots of flowers and art work and Malorie had Jason draw a picture of our family which honestly I'm not sure who is who but she seems to know exactly. Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

Friday, May 2, 2008

This was her first year doing a solo so we are very happy for her (even though I think she just wanted the crown)